Slimming and Contouring

Overweight or obese is the most common problem and the regular scenario which is being seen now a days in most of the people mainly the people between the age of 18-30 years. There are lot of reasons behind overweight problem like stress, over anxiety, no proper sleeping schedule, over eating, unhealthy food, preservatives, processed food which causes harmonal imbalances etc.
Inspite of attempting all kinds of weight loss programs, following the dietary restrictions for those who didn’t see any change or it didn’t worked for them then this body contouring program is for them. Because obesity increases the chance of deadly diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Thus the origin of this body contouring or so called body sculpting came to limelight. It involves the procedure to:
  • Get rid of extra fat
  • Eliminate extra skin
  • Reshape and contours the area where it requires
In general, contouring will shape your body well according to its necessity.

In general body contouring has different types in it as follows:

This non surgical body contouring is also called lipolysis. Lipolysis is classified into different methods such as,

Cryolipolysis: In this method to destroy the bad fat cells, a very cold temperature is used.

Injection lipolysis: This method involves putting deoxyholic acid to battle against the fat cells and reduce the fat content.
Laser lipolysis: As mentioned in the name of the method itself in this laser is used to destroy the fat in the body.
Radio frequency lipolysis: In this method, ultrasound waves are used to burn the excessive fat in the body.
There are many benefits of body contouring as we tend to have a well-defined, postured shaped body parts. When we are well defined in our body structure then simultaneously we look younger than our age and we see easiness in the body mobility and smoother skin all over the body.
There are many convincing facts about this non surgical body contouring method as soon as after the procedure you are ready to move your body and mobilize normally as before.
All the method of lipolysis are methods which are target for particular areas of the body. Like for example Cryolipolysis target areas are flanks, arms, bra and back fat, thighs and double chin.
Whereas laser lipolysis and radio frequency lipolysis affects on only abdomen and flanks.
So this body contouring or sculpting method is all safe but it has to be continued with a well balanced and healthy lifestyle helping you to maximise the results to maintain a healthy life.